发布时间:2023-05-04 08:28:50

《第23届米兰三年展文献集》出版发行,该书收录了来自40个国家建筑师和设计师的入选作品, 其中2022年普利兹克建筑奖获得者、非洲建筑师 Francis Kéré阐述了含非洲元素的装置,第23届米兰三年展唯一入选的中国建筑师刘卫兵对作品《无形》作了“天人合一”精神解读。

米兰三年展(Triennale di Milano)成立于1923年,是国际设计史上的一个重要事件。它与威尼斯双年展和佛罗伦萨国际当代艺术双年展一起,是意大利最重要的三个艺术展览之一,也是世界上设计和展览领域最具影响力的艺术活动。2022 年7 月 15 日,第23届米兰国际三年展正式开幕,作为中国唯一入选的装置艺术——《无形》完美亮相。

2022普利兹克奖得主、第23届米兰国际三年展总策展人弗兰西斯•凯雷(Francis Kéré)先生称赞中国作品的东方哲学意境和构思——“对中国的竹装置作品印象深刻,特别是拱与线的构成,在艺术宫的花园里,更能体现对自然和建筑关系的哲学思考和探索”。

According to a Chinese Taoist philosophical concept,"great form has no contour:this is the hidden affirmation and face of the unknown world. It clarifies the unique tolerance of the chaotic scene of the Chinese culture, and it is a concept according to which astonishment at the infinite change of the universe is to be experienced by believing in a"Taoist nature" and with a wisdom that comes from the unity of nature and man,that is,reconciliation with nature.
Qingcheng Mountain,standing at 31°north latitude, is one of the cradles of Taoism in China and a UNESCO World Cultural andNaturalHeritage Site.Architect Weibing Liu has devoted himself for thirty years to practical and research activities focusing on traditional rural settlements in the foothills,reflecting on the link between the intangible cultural heritage nurtured by settlements and the skills expressed by 4,500 years of building activities.Crucial to the innovative design of Weibing Liu, who has investigated bamboo,raw soil, and other local natural materials with particular commitment,is the adaptation to the local climate and integration with culture, air,light,and water.
Invisible was completed thanks to the cooperation of architect Weibing Liu with local craftsmen,using bamboos assembled by mortise and tenonjoints to construct a mysterious space within which visitors will be able to experience, notwithstanding the seemingly chaotic construction, the inexplicable power of a dia- logue with the invisible.